Art preschool MuŠka
Practical informations
Dear parents, here are basic informations, regarding beginings of your journey in our preschool, the operations, compensations and much more.
Entering our preschool
Organisations of the preschool
Class meetings

Entering our preschool
First day in MuŠka
1.When you arrive at MuŠka, you will hand in the necessary forms for admitting your child to kindergarten (confirmation from a doctor, etc.)
2. The child will get its own cabinet and the teacher will help you to organize it in a better way (you will get the list of things you need when signing the contract)

We have many years of experience
Class meetings
The first class meetings are taking place usually around first or second week of September from 5 pm to 7 pm in following order:
Tuesday – class Monkeys
Wednesday – class Birds
Thursday – class Butterflies
It is of a great importance, that you will attend those class meetings.Here’s why:
1. You will get to know our teachers better, since they are the ones taking care of your child
2. You will learn more about the organisations and innner workings of our preschool
3. You will get advice on different topics regarding your stay at our preschool
4. You will be given informations about upcoming events in MuŠka
5. You will learn about the content of the preschool regulations
6. Dostanete interaktivní kalendář na nový školní rok.

Individual meetings
Next meeting will be so calld individual meetings that will be done twice a year, usually in January and June.
On theses meetings you will be able to meet your childs teachear and the headteacher. During 30 minute meeting you will get detailed infromations about your childs development in the last half of the year.

pRIvate art preschool muška
Organisation of the preschool
- The entrance time for the children 7:30 am – 8:45 am Menší a nové děti předává ze šatny do tříd koordinátorka školky nebo paní ředitelka.
Děti, které jsou již tzv. „mazáci školky“ mohou do svých tříd již chodit samostatně
Arrivals of children outside the officially open kindergarten are only possible after prior agreement with the kindergarten coordinator or the director, and only in the case of visits by a doctor, speech therapist,... - The program of MuŠka From 9:00 am, the program starts in the classrooms, which would be disrupted by the late arrival of children.
Please respect this rule.
. - Leaving of the kids after lunch 12:00 – 12:30 children from Monkeys class go home
12:30 – 1:00 pm children from the Birds and Butterflies class go home
Departures after the afternoon snack after 3:00 pm in exceptional cases and by prior arrangement are possible from 2:30 pm - Departures after afternoon snack In the afternoon, we drop off children from 3:00 pm - 5:45 pm so that they leave the building before 6 pm. In exceptional cases and by prior arrangement, departure is possible from 2:30 pm
Teachers hand over children only to the legal representative or to the person authorized to pick up the child, who is listed in the Child Handover Authorization document.
If the person who will exceptionally pick up your child from kindergarten is not registered in the document document, it is necessary to write the personal details of this person by email:
Name, date of birth, permanent residence, or photo of identity card.